We are already looking forward to the consortium meeting in Cyprus at the beginning of March as part of the FEVER project ๐จ๐พ. To get you in the right mood, we would like to give you the opportunity to find out what the FEVER project is all about and how Es-geht! is involved in it by means of our FEVER project presentation.
FEVER in a Nutshell
The project is funded by the European Commission under the H2020 research and innovation programme. The programme aims to promote competitiveness and growth, as well as increased benefits for the economy and citizenship of the European Union. Within the programme, FEVER covers the area of “flexibility and market options in trading for the distribution network”.
Here you can find the key data of the project:
- 17 partners from eight European countries
- โฌ 9 929 911,25 total budget
- Duration: February 2020 – July 2023
- Three pilot projects and one laboratory simulation
FEVER Projektvorstellung
FEVER stands for “Flexible Energy Production, Demand and Storage-based Virtual Power Plants for Electricity Markets and Resilient DSO Operation”.
๐ฏ The aim is to organise flexibility in terms of energy production, consumption and storage in order to enable the energy transition and to optimally use the electricity grids in regenerative operation. Accordingly, the solutions developed in the project are aimed in particular at distribution grid operators so that they can better monitor and manage their grids. This will be possible, for example, by means of artificial intelligence, peer-to-peer trading and the toolbox that will be developed during the project.
The solutions for the grid of the future are necessary because renewable energies do not feed in constantly, like a generator for example, but are dependent on wind and weather. After all, without wind, a wind turbine cannot generate electricity. ๐ค๏ธ As a result, there may be situations in which the energy supply from renewables is too large or too small for the actual demand. Flexibility that responds to these situations becomes necessary.
Furthermore, it is difficult to accurately predict the feed-in of the renewable plants without suitable tools. This in turn leads to distribution grid operators having greater difficulties in ensuring security of supply.
โ๏ธ Therefore, energy production and energy consumption must be brought into line. This happens through the solutions developed in the project, which take into account production, consumption and storage.
During the project period, the consortium is dedicated to the development of the following solutions:
- Flexibility aggregation and management
- Monitoring and automatic control
- Flexibility market
These will be tested in the pilot projects in Spain ๐ช๐ธ, in Cyprus ๐จ๐พ and in Germany ๐ฉ๐ช.
A graphical presentation of the FEVER project presentation can be found on the poster below ๐ which is only available in German.
Further details can be found on the project website.
The Es-geht! in the FEVER project
As Es-geht! we help to develop and promote or market the central solutions. These enable distribution grid operators and prosumers (private individuals who produce and consume energy at the same time) to participate in energy trading and demand-side management. In addition, we help the German municipal utilities participating in the project. We support them in the installation as well as the creation of the necessary infrastructure on site to test the solutions in the real grid. This infrastructure includes measuring devices, for example.
๐จโ๐ปThe main person responsible on the part of Es-geht! is Evyatar Littwitz, who is in close exchange with SWW Wunsiedel GmbH and Stadtwerk Haรfurt GmbH.
๐ He is supported by Gerhard Meindl, who has close contacts with SWW Wunsiedel, Lisa Ben Baruch, Sophia Rohbogner and Lisa Ziemer.
We hope that we have been able to give you a good insight into the FEVER project and that our project presentation has been helpful to you. If you have any questions or need support in research management yourself, please do not hesitate to contact us – we look forward to hearing from you!
Your Es-geht! Team
German poster with content regarding the FEVER project presentation