Energy systems
Our portfolio in the field of energy systems
We are happy to advise you on various energy-related topics that are relevant for your company. We support you in planning your energy networks and increasing your energy efficiency, as well as in the ongoing management of your energy flows.
Our services for network operators
Black Start Manual
The energy transition is driving the installation of decentralised plants, so that more and more feed-in plants are being installed in the distribution grid. As a result, the grid is changing from a unidirectional to a bidirectional power supply.
This development harbours risks, but also opportunities. For example, it is already possible for many distribution grid operators to carry out a black start in their own grid. This means that the distribution grid can supply itself with electricity again in the event of a global blackout. This is possible through intelligent control of the generation plants and circuit breakers installed in the grid.
Do you want to find out whether your grid is also suitable for implementing a black start? Together with you, we model your grid and check its black start capability. We develop a black start manual for you, which covers various scenarios specifically tailored to your grid and serves as a guide for you. In doing so, we describe step by step how you can successfully “restart” your grid and supply your consumers with electricity again, thus avoiding economic damages in the millions.
Incident manual
A reliable power supply is the be-all and end-all of any distribution network in order to continuously supply consumers with energy. In the event of a failure, it is also important to implement quick solutions so that the security of supply is not jeopardised.
The failure of equipment, such as a transformer or consumer, can lead to a supply stop of downstream consumers. In this case, it is necessary to remedy the fault as quickly as possible and thus restore the supply.
We create a fault manual for you that is tailored to your network and covers various scenarios. This manual describes how you must proceed in the event of a fault and how affected consumers can continue to be supplied with energy before and during the fault rectification.
Our services for energy-intensive companies and municipalities
Energy potential analysis
Are you interested in increasing the efficiency of your electricity consumption and considering the installation of decentralised systems such as storage systems, PV systems or charging stations? Then we are the right contact for you!
Based on a comprehensive inventory of your load profiles, energy systems and other existing data, we model the energy system and carry out a potential analysis. With the help of an optimisation algorithm, a catalogue of measures is created, which contains the integration and parameterisation of energy systems based on your ideas and wishes. With the help of this catalogue, you will be able to optimise your electricity consumption and thus save costs.
In this context, we also examine the extent to which a sector coupling makes sense for you. This means that you can couple your heat and electricity demand with each other and thus optimally use flexibilities in the respective sectors.
Electricity cost optimisation
An atypical use of the grid pursuant to Section 19 StromNEV exists if the maximum load contribution of a final consumer deviates foreseeably and significantly from the annual maximum load of all withdrawals in the respective grid or transformer level.
Pursuant to § 19 para. 2 sentence 2 StromNEV, electricity-intensive end consumers are entitled to an individual network charge if their electricity consumption per calendar year reaches a number of hours of use of at least 7,000 h/a and their electricity consumption at the relevant point of consumption exceeds 10 GWh/a.
On the basis of your RLM load profiles, we check whether you are entitled to a tariff and whether you can save costs. We also investigate whether peak load capping, e.g. by integrating an energy storage system, can further reduce the power costs.
Energy management
In addition to the one-off analysis of your load profiles and energy flows, ongoing energy management in particular is a sensible step to ensure lasting energy efficiency. High added value can be achieved through the installation of measurement technology and the continuous evaluation of the measurement data. Flexibilities of individual plants can be optimally utilised, for example, through targeted control in order to save energy costs.
We offer you an energy management system that specialises in the flexibilities of generation units and consumers. This means you always have an overview of your electricity consumption and can identify targeted measures.
AI-based forecasts also enable you to carry out sensible and energy-efficient planning at an early stage.
Contact our experts:
Dr. Marvin Albrecht
Senior Consultant
Evyatar Littwitz
Project Manager
Rainer Härtl
Project Manager