Gender equality – a widely used term.
Everyone knows it and almost everyone has been confronted with it at some point.
But what exactly does gender equality actually mean?
We have summarized the most important points for you here:
Broadly speaking, gender equality means that people’s rights, obligations and opportunities do not depend on the gender they are born with or the gender they identify with.
It means that the interests, needs and priorities of all gender groups are given equal consideration.
Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
There is still a great deal of inequality in many areas of our lives.
For example, this not only concerns unequal pay for the same job or unequal pension payments, but also ranges from discrimination against fathers when taking parental leave or generally taking over childcare to gender-specific bullying and all forms of sexual harassment.
These are all incisive issues that affect private and professional life in equal measure and immensely restrict the quality of life of the person concerned.
In quite a few cases, this results in symptoms such as depression, burnout syndrome or even post-traumatic stress disorder.
Gender equality is seen as a human rights issue and also as a precondition and indicator for sustainable development and democracy. Alongside other issues such as the fight against racism, equal opportunities regardless of social milieu and the inclusion of people with disabilities, it is an important screwdriver on the road to social justice.
The aim of gender equality is to ensure that people of all genders can participate equally in political, economic and public life and have unrestricted access to healthcare and education. This has an impact in legal terms and with regard to personal and professional development potential in a society (equal opportunities).
Equality as an expression of social justice leads to equal participation in personal development opportunities. Gender equality thus also creates the freedom and social space to realize individual life plans.
In the past, equality was mainly discussed between men and women. However, it is more correct to speak of equality between all genders, i.e. men, women and non-binary persons. In this way, all genders are included and equality can truly be inclusive and fair.
With its Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goal No. 5 (based on the Sustainable Development Goals), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development has set a goal for equal rights in the global community. This and other sustainable development goals are to be implemented by 2030.
But there is still a long way to go until then.
It is therefore important for each and every one of us to stand up for each other and for equal rights for all, as there are currently still many inequalities between the sexes.
How do you see it? Are you already campaigning for equality or do you think that the world is already pretty good as it is?
We hope that we could give you an understanding of what Gender Equality means. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us,
Your Es-geht! Team