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In July 2022, the DeRIVE project was launched, whose mission is “grid-serving and bidirectional charging at the interface between the energy and transport sectors”. But what does that actually mean? Here you can find a project presentation of DeRIVE.

The Consortium

Six companies and institutions have joined forces in the DeRIVE project. You can find them below with further links.

Overall project

Initial situation

Currently, sector coupling is still in its infancy in Germany, but at the same time more and more central energy production sites are being eliminated and the share of volatile renewable energies is increasing. In addition, the share of e-mobility is increasing and there is a situation where greater demands are placed on grid stability: the feed-in values fluctuate, but the demand increases.

The DeRIVE solution approach

DeRIVE believes that e-mobility can support and become an integral part of the system for grid stability. Keyword: bidirectional charging. This is the possibility of continuing to feed electricity into the car’s battery, but also being able to discharge the battery in a targeted manner and feed the electricity into the grid. This transforms the car’s battery from a rechargeable battery into a mobile electricity storage unit that can provide flexibility and, if necessary, both take load from the grid and feed it into the grid.

Research approaches

In addition to bidirectional charging, DeRIVE is consulting demand-side management to address the challenges of this holistic concept. The aim of the project is to investigate how data to and from demand-side management can be processed at the charging point. This is particularly important to ensure data security and control speed.

Since bidirectional charging entails new and sometimes extreme changes in usage, this has implications for battery life and behaviour. These need to be researched in order to achieve the longest possible battery life and further development of the batteries. DeRIVE is also dedicated to researching suitable algorithms.

To ensure that the whole thing doesn’t just look nice on paper, an elaboration of the advantages of the DSOs is taking place. This relates to the way in which the DSOs benefit in meeting their “day-ahead” forecasts, provided they use regenerative electric mobility for flexibility potential. For only if the theory developed is suitable for reality and attractive for grid operators can it become accepted and established.

WorkpackageTitel of the WPLead partner
WP0Project managementAKKA
WP1Requirements for electromobility and energy systemsSWH
WP2System servicesESG
WP5BMS and simulationEXP
WP6Bidirectional chargingHUB
WP7System integration and demonstrationSWH
Workpackages and their respective leaders

The Es-geht! in the DeRIVE project

The Es-geht! takes on a variety of tasks in DeRIVE, such as defining future applications in the area of system services in order to continue to guarantee grid stability while the integration of e-mobility progresses. Furthermore, she deals with demand-side management.
In addition, it is dedicated to the implementation of grid simulations, management processes, the evaluation and further development of business models and the implementation of any necessary citizen participation. Furthermore, the evaluation of the content from the emergence of the Energy Communities falls to the project as well as the derivation of pro-active tariff models.

Jan Weiler and Lucas Dörr are responsible for the project. We will of course keep you informed about the next months and hope that this project presentation of DeRIVE has whetted your appetite for more.

Your Es-geht! Team