+49 8772 8296 info@es-geht.gmbh
What is… Sector Coupling?

What is… Sector Coupling?

In this new article, we address the question “What is sector coupling?” and explain what it means. Let’s go! ๐Ÿš€ Sector coupling broadly refers to the use and connection of electricity in the heating ๐Ÿ”ฅ, transport ๐Ÿš— and industry ๐Ÿญ sectors. One could...
Working Meeting in Regensburg

Working Meeting in Regensburg

Last week from 01.06.23 – 03.06.23 it was time again for a personal meeting within Es-geht!. This time we met for a Working Meeting on site in Regensburg. ๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฅธ We used the three days from Thursday to Saturday to be productive, but also for team building. Because...
Announcing Pentecost Break

Announcing Pentecost Break

We wish all who celebrate happy holidays and hereby make the announcement that from the afternoon of 26.05.23 up to and including 29.05.23 we will take a small Pentecost break. However, from 30.05.23 we will be back, fully operational and dedicated to all requests as...
What is… Flexibility in the power grid?

What is… Flexibility in the power grid?

In many of our articles we talk about flexibility in the power grid, but what is it actually? What do we mean by this term? Here we give you the answers. Our everyday lives function so naturally with the help of electricity that we no longer even think about where it...
Happy Easter

Happy Easter

We wish everyone a happy Easter and will not be available from 07.04.23 to 10.04.23 inclusive. However, from 11.04.23 we will be available again and dedicate ourselves to your requests as soon as possible. We would also like to invite you to an online event. If you...